あいせん *** メインデッキ *** Llanowar Elves * 4 Scryb Sprites * 4 Argothian Pixies * 2 Whirling Dervish * 2 Killer Bees * 2 Land Leeches * 2 Wild Growth * 4 Lightning Bolt * 2 Tranquility * 2 Disintegrate * 2 Fireball * 2 Giant Growth * 4 Blood Lust * 4 Sandstorm * 2 Forest * 15 Mountain * 7 *** サイドボード *** Titania's Song * 2 Shatterstorm * 3 Hurricane * 2 Tranquility * 2 Tsunami * 2 Winter Blast * 2 Flashfires * 2 Amron さん *** メインデッキ *** Balance * 1 Demonic Tutor * 1 Regrowth * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Strip Mine * 1 Counterspell * 4 Serendib Efreet * 4 Erhnam Djinn * 4 Control Magic * 2 Boomerang * 1 Time Elemntal * 1 Swords to Plowshares * 4 Lightning Bolt * 4 Disenchant * 2 Fireball * 1 Icy Manipulator * 1 Mishra's Factory * 1 Tundra * 4 Tropical Island * 4 Volcanic Island * 4 Savannah * 3 Plateau * 1 Underground Sea * 2 Taiga * 1 *** サイドボード *** Tormod's Crypt * 2 Ivory Tower * 2 Mind Twist * 1 Blue Elemental Blast * 2 Disenchant * 1 Control Magic * 1 Red Elemental Blast * 3 Circle of Protection: Red * 1 Circle of Protection: Black * 1 熊野正宏 さん *** メインデッキ *** Ancestral Recall * 1 Balance * 1 Black Lotus * 1 Black Vise * 1 Demonic Tutor * 1 Fork * 1 Mox Jet * 1 Mox Pearl * 1 Mox Ruby * 1 Mox Sapphire * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Strip Mine * 1 Timetwister * 1 Wheel of Fortune * 1 Ball Lightning * 4 Chain Lightning * 4 Disintegrate * 3 Fireball * 2 Earthquake * 3 Lightning Bolt * 4 Swords to Plowshares * 3 Disenchant * 3 Unsummon * 2 Psionic Blast * 2 City of Brass * 2 Plateau * 4 Volcanic Island * 4 Tundra * 2 Badlands * 4 *** サイドボード *** Disintegrate * 1 Fireball * 2 Earthquake * 1 Swords to Plowshares * 1 Red Elemental Blast * 4 Disenchant * 1 Unsummon * 1 Blue Elemental Blast * 4 KEM さん(旧HN:K−M) *** メインデッキ *** Braingeyser * 1 Mox Emerald * 1 Mox Ruby * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Strip Mine * 1 Timetwister * 1 Air Elemental * 3 Mahamoti Djinn * 3 Boomegrang * 3 Counterspell * 4 Power Sink * 4 Force Spike * 3 Control Magic * 2 Icy Manipulator * 2 Basalt Monolith * 2 Amnesia * 1 Transmute Artifact * 1 Recall * 1 Jayemdae Tome * 1 Triskelion * 1 Desert * 3 Mishra's Factory * 4 Talaria * 1 Island * 15 *** サイドボード *** Copy Artifact * 3 Black Vise * 1 Sleight of Mind * 2 Magical Hack * 2 Cursed Rack * 1 Primal Clay * 2 Nevinyrral's Disk * 2 Weakstone * 1 Brassman さん *** メインデッキ *** Ancestral Recall * 1 Balance * 1 Black Lotus * 1 Library of Alexandria * 1 Regrowth * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Strip Mine * 1 Timetwister * 1 Time Walk * 1 Wheel of Fortune * 1 Millstone * 3 Field of Dreams * 3 Mana Drain * 2 Counterspell * 3 Ivory Tower * 2 Nevinyrral's Disk * 2 Sindbad * 3 Disenchant * 3 Swords to Plowshares * 3 Moat * 1 Flash Counter * 1 Maze of Ith *2 Tormod's Crypt * 1 Wrath of God * 3 Island * 4 Plain * 2 Tundra * 4 Savannah * 3 Volcanic Island * 2 Plateau * 2 City of Brass * 1 *** サイドボード *** Circle of Protection: Red * 3 Equinox * 2 Remove Soul * 4 Meekstone * 1 Maze of Ith *2 Veteran Bodyguard * 1 Presence of the Master * 1 Reverse Polarity * 1 ぽこ さん *** メインデッキ *** Balance * 1 Demonic Tutor * 1 Mana Vault * 1 Regrowth * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Forest * 10 Plains * 2 City of Brass * 4 Pendelhaven * 1 Birds of Paradise * 4 Force of Nature * 4 Killer Bees * 2 Llanowar Elves * 4 Sylvan Library * 2 Wild Growth * 4 Untamed Wilds * 4 Swords to Plowshares * 4 Jayemdae Tome * 2 Triskelion * 4 Concordant Crossroads * 1 Hurricane * 1 Disenchant * 2 *** サイドボード *** Blood Moon * 1 Circle of Protection: Red * 2 Circle of Protection: Green * 2 Circle of Protection: Black * 2 Disenchant * 2 Flashfires * 1 Lifeforce * 1 Tormod's Crypt * 1 Titania's Song * 1 Tsunami * 1 Mountain * 1 宮谷伸也 さん *** メインデッキ *** Black Lotus * 1 Black Vise * 1 Demonic Tutor * 1 Library of Alexandria * 1 Mind Twist * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Strip Mine * 1 Timetwister * 1 Wheel of Fortune * 1 Mishra's Factory * 2 City of Brass * 3 Swamp * 2 Underground Sea * 4 Badlands * 4 Volcanic Island * 4 Nevinyrral's Disk * 1 Ivory Tower * 1 Disintegrate * 2 Lightning Bolt * 3 Underworld Dreams * 1 Sengir Vampire * 2 Royal Assassin * 2 Black Knight * 2 Dark Ritual * 4 Hypnotic Specter * 4 Recall * 1 Power Sink * 1 Time Elemental * 1 Psionic Blast * 1 Unsummon * 2 Counterspell * 2 Sol'kanar the Swamp King * 1 Gwendlyn Di Corci * 1 *** サイドボード *** Black Knight * 2 Sengir Vampire * 1 Counterspell * 2 Gloom * 1 Boomerang * 1 Prodigal Sorcerer * 1 Power Sink * 1 Psionic Blast * 1 Nevinyrral's Disk * 2 Ivory Tower * 3 村上徹 さん *** メインデッキ *** Ancestral Recall * 1 Balance * 1 Black Vise * 1 Demonic Tutor * 1 Mind Twist * 1 Mox Jet * 1 Sol Ring * 1 Strip Mine * 1 Timetwister * 1 Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore * 3 Royal Assassin * 2 Serra Angel * 1 Disenchant * 4 Swords to Plowshares * 4 Armageddon * 3 Wrath of God * 2 Power Sink * 1 Underground Dreams * 4 Dark Ritual * 2 Icy Manipulator * 2 Ivory Tower * 1 Winter Orb * 2 Fellwar Stone * 3 Plains * 3 Karakas * 1 Mishra's Factory * 2 City of Brass * 2 Scrubland * 4 Underground Sea * 4 Tundra * 4 *** サイドボード *** Spirit Link * 1 Circle of Protection: Black * 2 Circle of Protection: White * 2 Circle of Protection: Red * 3 Blue Elemental Blast * 2 Hurkil's Recall * 1 Tormod's Crypt * 1 Ivory Tower * 1 Nevinyrral's Disk * 1 Howling Mine * 1 (デッキ掲載はハンドル名の50音順になっっています。)