
Sydney Olympic trip I left home on Sep 10  by car ,stayed at my sons apart, in Kyoto Univ.
I got a interview in the morning ‚‚WG‚S‚ODat the lobby of Kansai airport before the departure for Guam , Cairns.
and stayed 1night at airport and flu  to Canberra and stayed 1 night took the bus to Sydney , it took 4 hours. I was late for the meeting on the Sep 13 morning, I went to the media accreditation center to get my pass with my heavy bag, and at last arrived the state sport center by bus.  But it was not far from the railway station, which I found later. I met many staff then, and went to reform to get my suits and pass again. I found broad way lodge near the Sydney central station. I took 1 hour half to go to venue press center on the 1st day and delayed 30minuts.
still I cannot listen the talking if they speak fast or speak normally, every body are so kind to me, speaking slowly and easily to me, I cannot work well as I did not get the training . All the coworkers are cute girls beside me, they are almost student, and they are real smart and already knew about their works, without assist of chief( Amanda, most clear lady,)
 I got hurt on my foot as I walked long with bag, and I bought new shoes ,still not well for a week. in the beginning not many press people.
     I taught Origami during my duty to the co-staff, but seemed hard to understand for them for the first time,  so I draw the picture to make it easier to know. I hope some of them understood someday by themselves. In the table tennis venue, I saw Japanese champion and many famous players close by. I do not think I can receive their serve nor cut. even I played long time during my student time. I went to see baseball much ;Cuba-South Africa at black town ball part( 1 hour north) ,  I saw the fine play by Cuba 2nd player and shot and 1st fielder. It was beautiful  play, which I saw it in the Japanese fine play file
by Mr.Takagi Morimichi,  glob toss and transmitted  to 1st . I saw boxing and woman basket ball between Korea-Cuba USA-
and athletics .the Olympic stadium is huge ,which I never saw ever.
I imagined the opening ceremony in the stadium. I collected  many pins as much as in Nagano Olympic. I bought many  in china town. with are cheep enough . and  traded with many people.
I traded good pin on the road with Japanese gymnast Mr.Kasamatu.
Japans professor gave me some nice pin , one is the real nice look as folding fan, which our chief wanted .  at last I could get from the Fukui newspaper man.  I got an interview from him on my off day when I happen to meet on the road. He took a picture and articles, which were sent by mail, so it was on the next day paper. and I got the news from my friend in Japan by hotmail.
 I bought a tent and made at university park, where aborigine tent already, neighboring to their tent after a week, as the lodge charge double during the Olympic season. sometimes, I used the lodge , the tent was comfortable even a rainy day, thunder, it is quite water proof and warm enough comparing my tent ,which I bought 30 years before for mountain climbing .
I imagine  the  bright star  over darling harbor in the sky  as the southern cross, it is still clear on my eyes together with the cute girls.
I remember the sweet voice of Amanda clearly, and darling harbor date, pleasant lunch, chatting , massaging, origami, drawing picture ,good tea in venue ,kind and pretty girls ,nice guy, gold win Judo much,..
I miss all the Olympic and staff now, I proud of them.  It is my best memory and asset of my life.  I really felt sad when departing  with them.
 On the way back to Cairns, I did sky-diving and horse riding  for the first time, it was real fun and great,  it was also my first experience, making it the great memory of Australia.

sky diving

 I wanted to dive someday for a long time ,and I got a chance to do in Cairns as I had a time to go, and horse riding. on Sep 30.on the way from Sydney .I took the airplane from Cairns airport and took 15minutes to reach to 2,400m high and jumped from there with the instructor, at first tumbling about 2times forward, and opened my hand and feet ,then fall down about 15seconds, it was real fun and comfortable, I tried to make many pause. It does not feel so fast than expected, it fall about 300km/h, and opened the parashoot at 1200m high, and turned around a few times, I think it the intentionally to control the parashoot. It is not good feeling , but I am not big problem for it, and one more time turning. the instructor controlled the parashoot toward the landing spot .It is the small spot in the field .but, when It become close , there are high voltage post just near to the landing point ,I feared  a little if the sudden wind blow.  but fortunately the day was a beautiful day, I can see all the sight from the airplane. at first, I was told to put my feet forward and slide when landing, but when we began to land , the instructor said to stand up on the ground. So I could stand up without sliding easily, and walk just a few steps only. It was a nice landing and beautiful diving, I did not feel any fear. On the centrally, I felt sleepy till we fly up to the jumping spot, it may be another reason, simply I lack the sleeping time last night. the price is $203(Y13,000) for 2400meter jump. I think this is the cheep price comparing in Sydney and in Japan. I asked the bus driver to take the picture when I land on the ground. The video or the photo on the air cost very expensive as $100, due the other diver jump for the photo.

Horse ride

On the next day, Oct 1, I went horse back riding in the height out of town. It was also my first experience, I wanted to run on the horse in a day. There were not many practice before riding, just to hold the horse and turning, and kick on the belly. and walk down the sharp valley, and hold the back hair when galloping. at first, I was hesitating the sighn ,so horse do not obey faithfully, and try to ignore me ,but gradually, we understood each other I think. I touch her face and neck gently, and gave her water. The instructor told me the horse is not week, sometimes, bite the rider. In this day, I  was only the man to participate in this tour, so I must ride the horse according to the direction of the boss.

 I just returned from Sydney thru Cambers, Sydney ,Cairns, Guam, Osaka, I waited in Cairns 3 days. I got my car battery broken as it did not move for a long time in Kyoto-University parking .3 weeks.
It was a great Olympic in Sydney, nice people, nice weather.
I collected many pins as much as 50pcs. I bought 30pins in china town and traded with other pins from all over the world.
I got interviewed by Fukui-news paper press person in Sydney Olympic park it was the real happen to meet in the building , when it was the day off for me , I went the venue( playing place) to eat the meal. and met him. he took my photo and sent them by email, so it was so quick and almost clear. The Olympic site is so wide and hard to walk with big bag, I got my left foot hurt, due my leather shoes does not fit good, I bought sports shoes, still took a few days to cured my foot. In the latter half , I bought tent and made it in the yard of university of Sydney, near the aborigine-tent. Sometimes, the sunder hit the site , but not problems and not any seek of
rain into my tent. I went base ball game of USA-Korea, Cuba-South Africa, and went to see Japan
team practice, asking the special pass only for myself, it was a special case to get the pass. The top official gave me it, appreciating the Japanese fact that the base ball is supported by Japanese fan in these days, so giving the word to see the practice with his pleasure. I was very moved his special words and his personality to admit the entrance.
In cairns, on Oct 1, I did sky-diving, it was a real fun, for the first experiences though. And I did horse riding also, it was not very hard but get my ass hurt. after a day. I will report the detail in the next mail, as I got many things to be done after a long trip,  I could not get any orders during in Australia, but the cheep sunglasses.
